Based on feedback from Edmonton members, the course subsidy program has been revised for 2019 in order to increase funding for leadership development and to lower the barrier for new/aspiring volunteers accessing the program. The new program is outlined in the the revised policy document here:

As for previous years, the program offers subsidies for courses taken by members, with the total subsidy amount based on volunteer contributions to the Section.

A significant change is the introduction of essential “core” courses for trip coordinators. For these, the subsidy value has effectively been doubled, and the initial qualification requirement have been reduced to appeal to new/aspiring leaders. “Core” courses include the following:

  • Wilderness First Aid (Min 16 hr), Wilderness First Responder (or other 40+ hr equivalent), WFA re-certification.

  • Avalanche Skills Training (AST) 2 or higher

  • AST 1 (for active Ice Climbing Leaders only)

  • Rock/Ice Rescue Systems, Improvised High-Angle Rescue (any level), or similar course

  • Crevasse Rescue (Advanced)

Other highlights of the new policy are as follows:.

  • Introduces a modest Gear Subsidy in the form of a gift card for volunteers that are not taking courses.

  • Increases the cap on in-town volunteer contributions to promote volunteerism at Urban and Social events.

As usual, members can take a course at ANY TIME of the year, before or after their volunteer contributions. In other words, members do not have to wait to take a course and can fulfill their volunteer requirements later in the year.

If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact

Categories: Announcements

Francois Houle

I like skate ski and road bike.