Trip Report: Cameron Lakes Nordic Touring, 14-17 January 2022

From Tuesday afternoon through Friday morning we waited anxiously for news: would Akamina Parkway be open? Closed Monday due to avalanche danger, the Parkway is the route from Waterton townsite to the Little Prairie parking area – and the difference between our planned 3 km ski in to the Cameron Lake hut and an 18 km hike carrying skis. Eight intrepid Nordic touring skiers watched,, and email updates from the helpful Parks staff as the Read more…

Trip Report: Yahareskin / Coliseum Mountain

Yahareskin (traditional Stoney First Nations name) / Coliseum Mountain, Clearwater County, Alberta Moving time- 3 hours 40 minutes. Total time, including snacks and lunch, 4 hours 20 minutes. The traditional name Yahareskin from the Stoney First Nation means ‘mountain with a cap’. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the traditional territories of the Indigenous peoples of the Treaty 6 region and the Big Horn Wesley peoples of the Stoney Nation. I respect Read more…

Leave No Trace

By Greg Hartman, ACC Edmonton Access & Environment Coordinator What is “Leave No Trace” Anyway? For decades, the ethics and best practice of respectful backcountry access have been embodied by the slogans “pack it in, pack it out” and “take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints”. While these were good, the pressures on wilderness have increased in recent years, in part due to the soaring popularity of outdoor recreation. Therefore, the ethics and best Read more…

Election Notice 2021

The term of the following Executive Committee positions are set to expire on October 31, 2021: Section Chair Treasurer Volunteer Chair Communcations Chair Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Chair The Election Committee will be accepting nominations for the above positions between September 1st and September 14th, 2021. If you wish to nominate a fellow Section Member, please notify the committee by sending an email to Job descriptions are available at and the length of the position Read more…

Trip Report: End of June Shenanigans- Featuring Shadow Lake Hiking + Temple Mountain Climbing

Trip Report by Martin Schwangler Shadow Lake with Scarab Lake and Egypt Lake Extension, Banff National Park, June 26-29, 2021  The end of June and the beginning of the unrelenting heat-wave that swept over Alberta offered the opportunity to spend some quality time in the Rockies: The goal was to get some mileage on the new hiking boots and to shake off the winter rust and fully transition into summer mode.  Jordanne and I planned Read more…

Trip Report: Cheops Mountain Scramble

Cheops Mountain (West Ridge), Glacier National Park BC, July 12 2021~19km & ~1460m elevation, ~6.5 hrs moving time & 9 hrs car to car with lunch and lots of photo stops  We had intended to do a different objective, but due to the road closures, we ended up with a later start than anticipated. As an alternate plan, we opted to do Cheops Mountain. We parked at the visitor centre in Rogers Pass and started Read more…

Meet Greg Hartman – ACC Edmonton’s new Access and Environment Coordinator

Greg has been an (on and off) unaffiliated member of the ACC since 2000, and a YEG section member since 2017. As the new Access and Environment Coordinator, a volunteer position, Greg will function as a nexus for collecting and advocating for club member’s interests regarding access and environment issues. The role is all about building relationships with other user and interest groups and getting YEG-ACC recognized as a reliable partner where we share interests Read more…

Introducing Charlotte Kruszewski: our Section’s first Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity Chair

Several years ago, Charlotte was an ACC member of the ACC Calgary Section, but she didn’t feel like she was fully able to engage with the Club. Sharing her experiences, Charlotte explains, “In the past, the ACC has had somewhat an ‘Old Boys Club’ feeling to it, and when signing up for trips, I encountered barriers to access events. Despite working in a climbing gym for over five years, the trip leaders didn’t believe that Read more…

Trip Report: Mt Stanley North Face

I met up with Jeremy Cherlet, Jessica Ferguson (Training and Development Chair) and Geoff Michalak early on Sunday, May 02 to attempt a climb and ski descent of the Kahl Route on the Stanley N Face (Grade III). Disclaimer: all current COVID-19 public health guidelines were followed and it is important to continue to read and follow these changing guidelines to keep each other safe and slowly return to a new normal. Also, special credit Read more…

Member spotlight: The Faces of the ACC Ice Wall

As you may already know, Edmonton has its very own Ice Wall this winter. Tim Hankinson, our Urban Chair, along with a team of volunteers, has been spearheading a partnership with the Edmonton Ski Club. What you may not know is the team was comprised of more than 20 volunteers and partners! The team dedicated time and effort to planning and managing the project, building and maintaining the wall, belay checks, climbing lessons, and much Read more…