Charlotte Kruszewsk: ACC-Edmonton Member
Favourite outdoor activities: All things outdoors, but especially paddling, biking, cycling, climbing, and running.

Edmonton portrait taken at Amiskwaskahikan |
About me: I’m Charlotte, and I’m determined and willing. That’s what enabled me to spend the last 14 years of my life in the outdoor industry in roles including guiding whitewater canoeing and rafting, fixing bikes, teaching climbing skills, and giving experienced advice about gear. I love being outside, and playing in the woods. Water is super fun, rocks are really neat, and trees are so fascinating. I believe our natural world should be experienced and protected. The only way this will happen is by getting as many people outside as possible to have fun whatever they’re doing. Having a good appreciation for the world around you is the only way anyone can truly step into protecting and advocating for untouched space. I want to help foster that same appreciation by helping anyone that is underrepresented in the outdoors to feel comfortable in getting outside. I’m in school to learn about the connections between our human race and our outdoor world. I have a dog who loves to swim. I have a partner who loves to climb. I find myself running, climbing mountains, paddling rivers, and hiking peaks as many times per week as my body will handle, and I wouldn’t change it. I can’t wait to see what I can do with the Edmonton section of the ACC, and I really can’t wait to meet everyone! You get to do this, you get to be outside, you are strong and capable, and I want to see you here. Always play respectfully, and I’m sure I’ll see you soon!
How did you develop a passion for the outdoors? Did you have a ha-ah moment?
Being outside has always been a part of my life. Growing up, camping with my parents and four siblings was a staple family holiday, and I remember my dad teaching me how to start fires and use a knife. I have also been climbing since I was 5 years old, and got my first job at a climbing wall over 10 years ago. In addition to climbing, I am a canoe instructor, previously worked as a program coordinator for a whitewater raft and canoe company, and enjoy bike rides, runs and painting mountain scenes. The accepting and supporting outdoor community, especially climbing in my case, and the new people I meet is what fuels my passion for the outdoors.
What makes a perfect day outside?
Regardless of my daily objective, I always have a great time in great company. Sharing experiences with friends is as rewarding as achieving a big objective. It’s the company that makes the day!

Charlotte and her dog stretching their legs at Upper Kananaskis Lake on Niitsitapi/Stoney/Tsuu T’ina/Michif Piyii/Ktunaxa land
Do you have a favourite piece of gear?
That’s a tough question, I love all my pieces of gear! If I did have to pick one though, it would be my 3-inch Gerber knife. It sits on my dresser next to moisturizer and earrings, fits in my car door, or is clipped to my climbing harness or PFD; I never leave without it. I can’t remember the number of times that I sharpened it, or the number of spoons I carved with it!
Any favourite backcountry meal or snack?
My favourite backcountry meal is a dehydrate single-pot orzo with greens. I typically mix in spinach or kale, onions, and leeks, but the key ingredient is fennel. I’ll also add either chicken or pinto beans to the mix. But, the award for best backcountry meal ever goes to a cheesecake my friend cooked for us on day 10 of a canoe trip!
In your bio, you mention inclusivity, and helping anyone who is underrepresented in the outdoors to feel comfortable being outside. Tell us about being a woman in the outdoors?
I’ve had to work hard for what I was doing, sometimes even harder than the boys because I had the added “invisible” layer of having to prove myself. I was however fortunate to have a female manager when I worked at the climbing gym. She was strong and confident, and gave me something to look up when I was a teenager, especially when there were fewer female guides and outdoor figures to relate to back in the 90s.
Over the years I’ve noticed that it is becoming easier to exist in these spaces as a woman. I am optimistic that as there is an increase in women and other minority groups, things will improve for everyone. I have the privilege to be part of a supportive and inclusive community. I realize that I am a white woman, and that comes with its share of privileges. I want to give back to the community that welcomed me by approaching people with kindness and guiding them so that they can have a positive experience in the outdoors.

Enjoying the scenery during the paddling trip on the Milk River, Writing on Stone Provincial Park on Oceti Sioux land
Anything else you would like to share with the ACC-Edmonton community?
Having a mantra has tremendously help me achieve my goals in life. I believe that mood follows actions, and my favorite mantra of “You are strong, you are capable” gives me that kick to overcome obstacles and motivates me to take on big challenges. My outdoor journey didn’t happen overnight, and I allowed myself time to work towards my goals, knowing that the outdoor community was there to support me.
In closing, I would also like to encourage everyone to enjoy the outdoors. I strive to promote an equitable outdoor community, where everyone can be included to have a good experience. I am looking forward to meeting you!