March Monthly Meeting – Tuesday March 21st @ 7pm-9pm


Location: Old Strathcona Performing Arts Center

Day Trip Speed Traverses in the Canadian Rockies

by Peter Knight

Peter will share a slide or two on the history in the area (Original Great Divide traverse done on cross country style skis, Skoki Lodge races)

Inspiration (Europe: Mt. Blanc, Haute Route, West Coast: Spearhead, Mt. Rainier, McBride Traverse)

Equipment, Food, Safety, Training/Fitness

Planning Strategies (Route selection, weather, timing)

Past Successful completed traverses

Mt. Joffre

Kicking Horse Pass to Lake Louise via Lake O’Hara and Moraine Lake

Wapta Traverse

Mt. Columbia

Future Plans? (increased complexity of overnight trips)

Routes that make good stepping stones for people looking to get into speed traversing (Dolomite Circuit, French-Haig-Robertson

Peter Knight is a 27 year old weekend warrior from Edmonton. Weeknights, he can be found in Edmonton’s river valley. Weekends, he is often in the mountains. Along with being a mountain bike racer in the summer, Peter has been a member of the Canadian Ski Mountaineering Team since 2012 and has attended the bi-annual world championships 3 times. Speed traverses are a great way for Peter to cap off a ski mountaineering race season.


Categories: Announcements

Francois Houle

I like skate ski and road bike.