The nominations are officially in for our four open board positions! As a reminder, the positions we are looking to fill are Treasurer, Social Chair, FUBAR (Urban Activities) Chair and Communications & Membership Chair.
We’ve asked the interested candidates to provide a short statement introducing themselves and their proposed role. Please take a moment to review these statements, as we will be asking YOU as our membership to vote for your favorite candidates. As you will soon see, it’s going to be a difficult to choose with so many amazing contenders.
Also, be sure to mark your calendars for the September 19, 2017 Annual General Meeting as each candidate will have an opportunity to speak to the membership and put their best foot forward to secure your vote and address your questions.
Online voting opens after the Tuesday, September 19th meeting and you have until Monday, October 3rd to inform yourself and cast your vote.

To read about the candidates, click here: Meet The Candidates

Categories: Announcements

Francois Houle

I like skate ski and road bike.