Crevasse Rescue Practice at Edmonton Ski Club

Join us and brush up on your crevasse rescue skills for spring mountaineering season. Every Wednesday in March 7:00 – 9:00 PM. Registration is required. Register here Crevasse Rescue Practice is for those who are just starting out or have recently taken a crevasse rescue course. Practice sessions will focus on crevasse rescue scenarios for skiing and mountaineering. For more information, gear list, and to view Coordinators please visit the event calendar.

Avalanche Skills Training (AST1+)

This is a private AST1+ course, run by Great White North Guides, specifically for ACC Edmonton Section members!  This course will take place over one weekend – February 6th & 7th in the Parkers Ridge area, with a virtual classroom session on the evening of Wednesday, February 3rd.  As opposed to a traditional AST1, this course provides an additional companion rescue practice scenario, 8 hours with your ACMG guide Chris Girard in the field, and the second field day Read more…

Member Spotlight: January

Member: Cody Shimizu Favourite outdoor activities: I enjoy a variety of activities, for which I try to make time for! In winter, I’ll go skiing one weekend, and ice climbing the other one. Same pattern in summer, but with biking, scrambling, and climbing! About me: I started out exploring the outdoors with a mountain bike in my early teens. Lots of friendly group rides from local bike shops encouraged me to continue in the sport Read more…

Member Spotlight: December

Member: Jessica Ferguson Activities: Alpine ski touring, scrambling, backpacking, novice rock climber / mountaineer. I also love to bike, although not an official ACC YEG sanctioned activity. About me: I joined the Section in 2016 to connect with folks who are stoked on alpine ski touring. I love anything I can do outdoors, snacks, and I’m always looking for more women to shred with! I’m excited to have taken a board position as Training and Read more…

Updated ACC Edmonton Relaunch Guidelines for CoVID-19

ACC Edmonton Relaunch Guidelines These updates reflect changes to provincial guidelines issued November 24 2020 and effective on November 24 and November 27 2020 UPDATES Please note that these measures should be considered in-effect until otherwise rescinded by the Section Executive  Accommodations Accommodations (including huts) may not be shared, except by members of the same household. Group Size & Management Group size on trips may not exceed 10 persons. Members may not share indoor spaces Read more…


SKI NIGHTS STARTING DEC 2nd 6-9PM @ Edmonton Ski Club (ESC). Ski night will be every Wednesday 6-9pm during ski season while ESC is open. Register here  Note: registration is required for entry for COVID contact tracing purposes. Upon arrival you will need to acquire a lift ticket from the facility. Ski nights will be no charge for members. Feel free to enjoy a drink on ESC’s heated patio after your laps, last call is 9pm but you can stay Read more…

Member Spotlight: November

Member: Rene Villeneuve Favourite outdoor activities: Backcountry skiing, canoeing, backpacking About me: I love backpacking, canoeing, and most muscle powered ways to travel from A to B. I prefer to be above the trees in the alpine, or on the water, which is the best way to enjoy the best views for kilometers. Who wants to be stuck in trees! I work as a Sergeant in the Canadian Armed Forces Healthcare branch, fixing medical equipment Read more…

Strategic Plan 2020-2022

The Edmonton Section Strategic Plan was developed by multiple board members between 2017 and 2018. While the document has informed board decisions, it was never finalized and released to members. In September of 2020, the Board conducted a final review for release to the members. An expiry date is provided to prompt regular review and comment.

Member Spotlight: October

Steven Rockarts: ACC-Edmonton Chair Favourite outdoor activities: I enjoy everything, but especially all things climbing – rock climbing, ice climbing, trad, bouldering, dry tooling; you name it!  About me: I am very proud to have been chair of a community that has helped me to evolve in the mountains for the last two years. I signed for the Edmonton section after stumbling upon an ACC booth and seeing a pair of climbing shoes on the Read more…

Member Spotlight: September

Charlotte Kruszewsk: ACC-Edmonton Member Favourite outdoor activities: All things outdoors, but especially paddling, biking, cycling, climbing, and running. Edmonton portrait taken at Amiskwaskahikan About me: I’m Charlotte, and I’m determined and willing. That’s what enabled me to spend the last 14 years of my life in the outdoor industry in roles including guiding whitewater canoeing and rafting, fixing bikes, teaching climbing skills, and giving experienced advice about gear. I love being outside, and playing in Read more…