New Trip First Aid Requirements

he Edmonton Section puts a priority on safety for all our mountain and urban activities.  To this end, the Edmonton Section Board adopted a policy that at least 1 person on every trip must have valid First Aid training plus a CPR-A valid certificate, effective Nov. 1, 2018. Training must be at least a 16 hour first aid course (or equivalent re-certification), such as Standard First Aid or Wilderness First Aid. 

Scarpa Phantom 6000

3 out of 5 stars by Jackie Pearce This is a pretty awesome boot overall. It is really lightweight. Very sturdy – reduces calf burning significantly. Super comfortable* and VERY warm, even in -30! I also found that crampons went on this boot like a dream, which is always nice. If you are looking for this boot but it is not in stock, if the store has the Scarpa Rebels in stock, they are made Read more…

Call for Summer Skills Program Instructors

Are you an experienced multipitch climber?  Do you climb a bunch on trad gear and feel comfortable teaching others how to do it?  We’re considering offering courses in multipitch efficiency and trad gear use this summer.  We’d like to offer something unique to our membership, and a volunteer-run course would be an excellent opportunity for our members to develop their skills under your kind tutelage!

The Brazeau Loop Hike in Jasper National Park

The 81 km Brazeau Loop hike in Jasper National Park is a serious hike that encompasses stunning
country in the eastern Rockies of Alberta. According to the Park’s website: “The grand tour of the
southern ranges, this circuit includes one of the park’s largest backcountry lakes and an extraordinary alpine traverse with glaciated peaks, lush wildflowers and a variety of wildlife. The trail passes through extensive alpine meadows and several passes.” Listed as an ACC Edmonton Section trip for August 2017, the standard hike features five passes for a distance of 81 km; however, our seasoned but motley group of five decided to add one scramble and one day-hike for a total distance of about 120 km in seven days.