WOI+ Ice Climbing Mentorship Program

“Winter on Ice Plus” (WOI+) is a new mentorship program designed for ice climbers who have had some beginner training and want to make the transition to more challenging ice and mixed climbing routes. Most importantly, this program is intended for those that are keen to be on the “sharp end” of both climbing routes and coordinating trips with the ACC.

2017 Election Results

The Alpine Club of Canada –  Edmonton Section is made up of mountain-minded individuals, who come together to share their unique strengths, knowledge and experience. It would not be the vibrant and resilient organization of 100+ years without the resourcefulness of members who also volunteer their time and energy.

WIM+ Ski Mentorship Program

“Winter In the Mountains Plus” (WIM+) is a new mentorship program designed for backcountry skiers and split boarders that are ready for more challenging backcountry objectives involving deep powder, ski mountaineering, or steep ski lines, and that are keen to coordinate trips with the ACC.