Trip Reports
Trip Report: Warm Up Weekend Ice Climbing, December 2018
Check out Wendy’s trip report about this early season ice trip to Jasper!
Check out Wendy’s trip report about this early season ice trip to Jasper!
Jackie Pearce writes about her TNF Leadership Camp at Hallam Glacier GMC
With persistent weak layers well bonded, and mod/low/low in the Avalanche Bulletin, it was time for something fun!
The trail started with a short, steepish, somewhat icy drop to creek level, then a nice steady rise through the subalpine fir along, and sometimes over, the creek on snow that was a bit crusty and glazed but passable. We steadily worked at it, enjoying tantalizing peeks at the surrounding peaks…
We started strong with 6, two Ice Leaders and four participants, a good ratio for multipitching and a general atmosphere of getting more laps in with fewer cold toes on cragging days.
3 out of 5 stars by Jackie Pearce This is a pretty awesome boot overall. It is really lightweight. Very sturdy – reduces calf burning significantly. Super comfortable* and VERY warm, even in -30! I also found that crampons went on this boot like a dream, which is always nice. Read more…
Bright and early on Saturday morning around 6:45 AM, the group left the Shunda Creek Hostel to our first climbing objective of the weekend in the beautiful, quiet David Thompson corridor. We drove through pitch black with dimly silhouetted mountains and forests all around. The goal for this day was a slot canyon called Peskett Canyon…
The 81 km Brazeau Loop hike in Jasper National Park is a serious hike that encompasses stunning
country in the eastern Rockies of Alberta. According to the Park’s website: “The grand tour of the
southern ranges, this circuit includes one of the park’s largest backcountry lakes and an extraordinary alpine traverse with glaciated peaks, lush wildflowers and a variety of wildlife. The trail passes through extensive alpine meadows and several passes.” Listed as an ACC Edmonton Section trip for August 2017, the standard hike features five passes for a distance of 81 km; however, our seasoned but motley group of five decided to add one scramble and one day-hike for a total distance of about 120 km in seven days.
NATHAN RIDER The morning dawned bright and early. Well actually, it was not dawn, and it was not bright. Instead, it was pitch black when Brian, Paul, and I left Edmonton for Mosquito Creek – 4:00 AM to be exact. Due to some work-related delays, the three of us had Read more…
FOSTER KARCHA Six members, with dreams of steep ski lines and powder descents, spent two days at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort (KHMR) getting their wiggles woke by the perpetual stoke of Level 4 CSIA instructor Steve. The stars aligned for our weekend, with 38 cm of powder dropping on the Read more…